
Photo by Luizclas on Pexels

What was that light

The same was a small flicker

Unbearably warm light playful and anew

Small kindled and unseen

In it was everything that she once knew

What was that light

She kept close to her heart

Igniting a spark within

Laughing dancing smiling

Lighting the path to where she had been

What was that light

Her scorching eyes

Lush green dyed black to rough terrain

The raw smell of burnt rubber

Life in its path chiseled ashes of rain

What was that light

A bright flash an explosion

Toxic untenable heat steaming

The world collapsing around her

Lashing viciously hissing screaming

What was that light

In a dimly lit candle

As sunlight fades into dusk

The smell of dripping wax

Blocks out any odor or musk

Where was that light now

There is no trace

And like the flicker of a match she goes out



Joelle Shusterman

• An aspiring novelist inspired by her father • Feel free to indulge in her writing!